Saturday, January 24, 2009

How is it possible...

to have so many blessings in my life. simply amazing. Now I know not all people in this country feel that way, but I do. I have the best husband in the world. Spiritual leader, kind and generous, thoughtful, loyal. A great dad and attentive partner. I have two beautiful and intelligent little girls that could not possibly be kissed by me enough every day. Good friends. A nice home. Not a lot of money. Perfect !

God has always been in my life, but as I grow older and my perspective changes I am so much more able to see His miracles in my life. It is true....the closer you grow to Him as a couple or family, the closer you grow to each other. The more you seek the more you will find. 

For anyone that doesn't believe....ask yourself why. These questions you have are beautiful. Written in your heart for a reason. God is bigger than your disbelief and all He wants is for you to seek answers to your questions with an open mind. Pray, read scripture, seek your answers. Amazing will happen.

I am doing a bible study at 6:30 pst everyday on the war on Christianity. An article I read was the catalyst to this decision for a topic. It stated that Christians staged the so called war so that we could in so many words, have something to complain about. I have never been so fueled. I wanted examples that would prove this writer wrong. Not a hard task. But more than that I wanted measurable ways that we as Christians can combat them. 

So....reader.... : ) .......what examples can you thing of ? What ways can we put on our armor of God to help the good ?


Tara said...

Teach your children to pray.

We have done this with Caden ever since he started talking. Of course, he didn't really understand it until more recently but I love hearing him ask questions about who Heavenly Father is and what role he plays in his little life.

I believe one of Satan's biggest goals is to tear down the family unit. Ruin families and society will fail. Our children need us to teach them everything we know so that they can develop a testimony of truths while young and be better prepared to withstand temptation.

Hopefully if they are taught when young they won't stray when they get older.

Kristi Deter ( Lambert ) said...

Yes. " Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not part from it" . Prov 22:6
When you are a child I think it is so much easier to understand and accept God's presence. If we can get them to understand while they are still uncomplicated I think it has a powerful result. I love that Jordyn has no trouble telling someone when they forgot to pray before they ate. Believer or not. SHe has no problem saying in front of a room full of people...OK let's pray. Adults can't even do that sometimes. For her, it is still simple. I love it !!! Quite a miracle huh.